Nature Poems

Poems about the beauty of mother nature

Sailing on the Deep, Blue Sky
Paul Betz

The sky is as a vast blue sea.
White clouds roll forth as waves.
The moon it shines for all to see,
As lighthouses beam rays.

The planes become ships of the sky.
Swift breeze becomes the mist.
A bird floats through the clouds on high,
Like nothing else exists.

Both oceans hold their jewels grand,
Like treasure chests and stars.
They both contain uncharted land,
The unknown isle and Mars.


Here Comes The Shadow Of The Night
Alex Maniago 
The sun with all its radiant hues
Is slowly settling down
While high above, the evening muse
Spreads her velvet gown

And as the last glimpse of the light
Silently fades away
Here comes the shadow of the night
Engulfing our way

A sense of doubt arise in me
When I beheld that sight
But whatever uncertainty
It brought; I have no fright

For darkness means a twist of fate
From what the day had been
An evening rest, my bed await
Within my Father's inn

Little Daffodils Spring From the Grass
Sue Fern

Little Daffodils Spring From The Grass
Red, yellow and a tinge of orange
The carpet of flowers bringing colour to my life
And I feel the summer's warmth melting my heart.

Near the oak tree the birds chirp a song
A song of blessing to those around
Little do we know, what the song means
But it touches our soul till we're tingling deep within.

I look around to admire God's creation
And wonder, how much time I took off a day
To sit in my garden and enjoy the breeze
The whispering flowers
The swishing of leaves
And the sunset that leaves swirls of blue and orange in the sky
Colouring the horizon
Colouring my garden.

The Owl Never Told Me
Rabecca Campbell

The owl never told me
of the things the whispers said
as they were carried by the wind
through the trees above my head

The squirrel never did tell me
of the things that he would see
as he watched the world from burrows
that he built up in the trees

But does that mean I never knew
the prompts of conscience in the breeze
or guessed the sights of wisdom
only tops of trees can see

I laughed all through the daylight hours
of truths I may have known
but the doubt I kept inside of me
kept them from being shown

I looked upon the wise man
and found him not so wise
as much as inspirational
and I cut him down to size

I know I am no better
in fact it makes me smile, that
those who keep their thoughts inside
are forever viewed as "child"

The sun peaks high in afternoon
then he slumps down and sighs
and flashes shadows on the ground
casts darkness to our eyes

Now awakes the owl
wise in all his years
spreads his wings upon the wind
that whispers in his ears

The squirrel returns to his burrows
high up in the trees
the branches bend and creak with time
he looks to the world and sees

The sun bows down his head in shame
his light begins to dim
the time is rainbow flavored clouds
as night time now begins

Horizon sinks and pin hole lights
of stars begin to shine
I smile a feeble smile and think
now this must be MY time

A perfect balance between worlds
between lightness and the dark
between the owl and the squirrel

The Mountains Run Along the West
Drew Carver-Peterson

The mountains run along the West,
The rivers whisper as they flow,
The valleys are green down beneath,
The waterfalls crash as they go.

The rainforests? roofs are quite tall,
The lakes are incredibly wide,
The hills are glowing as they roam,
The plateaus have no place to hide.

conitnue reading more nature poems by following links below

Display # 
# Title Author
1 Three Trees Winston Staples
2 The Wood; Secret Places Samantha Turner
3 Dreaming of Nature Kimberly Conner
4 Poem about Dusk Jobee
5 The Mountains Poem Inspirational Poems
6 The Tree Poem Dale
7 Wind Poems Inspirational Poems
8 Sea Poems | Ocean Poetry Inspirational Poems
9 Dawn Poem Melin W
10 The Earth Pamela Blyss
11 Beauty of Nature Dixie Lady
12 The silence of the forest Eunice Powe
13 A Lovely Day Ann
14 The little garden Amy Lowell
15 Slipped between worse winter Inspirational Poems
16 The Bud Ruth Gillis
17 Now That April's Here Ruth Gillis
18 An Autumn Voice Paul Mc Cann