Suicide Poems

Suicide Poems about Death and destruction, when someone is bent on taking the revenge from world by taking their life by Suicide. Depressing thoughts of a suicidal mind explained in these short suicide poems

The Rope

by Kristy


When you see the lashes on my wrists,
or the scar around my neck,
you will soon know, that long ago,
I took a brush with death.

It wasn't your fault,
it was all in my head.
to see you with her,
I'd rather be dead.

I had it all,
you took it away,
and life was so hard,
I wouldn't live another day.

She was my all,
my only best friend.
We said we'd be together,
entil the end.

She fell for you hard,
she just couldn't see.
That what she was doing,
was ruining me

You went to the prom,
you really had fun.
And when you came home,
on a rope it was done.

My best friend, and my guy,
were together at last.
I doubt that you knew,
it would happen so fast.

I am now gone,
and upon this you read.
I hope for you,
that it's your only lead.

All I wanted was a friend,
a shoulder to cry on.
All I know now,
is that it's a shoulder to die on.

You said you'd never lie,
truth is the key.
So when you look at this rope,
think about me.

Title Filter 

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# Title Author
2 Nothing Left JOHN M.
3 I Woke Up and She Was Dead Hannah
4 Deaths Embrace shawn busteed
5 Soon I will be gone shawn busteed
6 How will I get by? Brian Melfie
7 My Final Moments Suicidaldreams
8 Crimson Tears Shed Kodi
9 Deception of the Heart Elson
10 When They Let Me Go Wyatt Campbell
11 Trapped in Darkness! Skye
12 SUICIDE Heet Pandya
13 Blade samantha
14 He died on his own battlefield Inspirational Poems
15 Letting Go Inspirational Poems
16 Suicide is not the Solution Inspirational Poems
17 I Hope to die Inspirational Poems
18 Why do you deceive me so? Inspirational Poems
19 Words Inspirational Poems