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Suicide Poems

( 12 Votes )

WWhen the blade hits you feel the pain but you do nothing baout it. day after day you cut yourself and you never stop because no one is there to help you and the pain. you cry because it hurts but you think its the only way to get rid of the pain you have made the last years. after months of doing it you finally look down at your arms and they are bloody and scarred. never in your life have you felt a horror hit you then what you jsut saw. you asked yourself what have i done and you i cut and i hate myself and i want to die. now that you have read this.. this that i jsut said id ME!!


avatar Jess
This is kind of depressing...
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avatar beccy rosee
Thats amazing , honestly .
You seem like someone that i'd get along with :)
I'm 14 years old and have been suffering from depression for 3 years .
My sister killed herself , at a very young age and i havent been the same since .
Also coping with heartbreaks from boys and fights with my mother & father .
Loosing family members .
Pretty hard to cope and selfharming is how i help myself each and every day .

Email me :)
I'd like to talk to you .
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avatar Sabrina
I've been bullied most of my life ( from grade 1) I am now in high school. I had been a cutter for a long time. People thought I were long sleves and gloves for fashion. The real reason was that I wanted to cover up my scars. I have recently stoped because my mother came into my room and saw what I had been doing to myself (my mom has been the only one who has been there for me). I felt bad because she felt as if it was her falt, that is the true reason I stoped. I just want to say no matter what is happening in your life. Don't make the mistakes I have.
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avatar Chas' mom
I'm glad you stopped cutting and that your mom found out and that it helped you stop.
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