Deaths Embrace

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Suicide Poems

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is it deaths approach that i feel so close

is he here for me who really knows

but i hope it is me he chose

an not the ones i hold dear

for his approach brings no fear

just the cold air of death

an the stink of its rotting breath

breathing on my neck

i have waited so long for this ice cold embrace

cause its happiness i no longer chase

for this earth is no longer my place

i wait impatient for my new friend

so he can lead me with his icy hand

across the river stix to meet hades himself

cause here for me there is nothing else

these thoughts for so long i have kept to myself

for so long with these thoughts stuck an alone

these feelings did not want to be shown

so pretend with smiles and laughs

give a toast an everybody claps

but deep inside along time ago i died

for a split second i tried to live a life i dont deserve

all the good thoughts i tryed to preserve

locked up away from deaths stare

now all i feel is his icy glare

wanting so bad to take away what little made me happy

his long reach waiting to grab me

no longer do i want to fight

no longer do i feel the urge of flight

i will run no more

i am at deaths front door

now he has me in his grasp

waiting to see if it is air i gasp

or waiting to see if i beg for my life

but i already tried to give it to him twice

so now i wait for him to take me to this place

i have waited so long for deaths embrace


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