Cat Poems

Poems about cats and cute kitten poems

a Cat haiku sequence

Cat wanders lightly
Stops to lick his dirty paws
He is clean again

Cat now feels hungry
He sees his food dish is full
Now it is empty

Cat walks heavily
He finds a clean litter box
Now it is dirty

Cat feels tired now
He finds a suitable spot
Now he’ll close his eyes

Cat in another life

In another life
I want you to crawl
Inside me
Plant yourself within
And grow
A swollen blossom
Soft and pink
Closed- waiting to be fed
Open wide
Here comes my love
Can you feel it?
Does it fill you?
With warmth-
With the glowing light of a sun
Born eons ago?
Will you let me wrap
Myself around you?
We will dance eternal
Spin ourselves dizzy
Can you feel me shine brighter
Than my eyes have ever shone?
Will you let me?
I’m running to you
Crawl inside
And grow
Love reborn as you.

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# Title Author
1 Joe Wortham
2 Cat on a Hot Tin Page Inspirational Poems
3 The Lioness Christina
4 Two cats Ewart Milne
5 The Kitten Speaks Oliver Herford
6 The Bad Kittens Elizabeth J. Coatsworth
7 Man with Kittens Elizabeth Coatsworth
8 Our "Lucky" Cat Inspirational Poems
9 My Cat Jeoffrey Christopher Smart
10 To Mrs Reynold's cat John Keats
11 Too Poor to Own a Cat Joe Wortham
12 Sweet Tabby Cat Bridy Madill