Things to do for Kids on Easter

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Things to do for Kids on Easter

Before the Easter

  • - boil eggs or purchase plastic ones (plastic ones can be filled)
  • - make sure you have vinegar and food coloring if making own eggs
  • - buy candy and little toys for easter baskets (maybe a bunny rabbit)
  • - don't forget the grass and the chocolate bunny (I know it is messy)
  • - If you live in the country get a little duck, chicken, or bunny.
  • - start thinking of places to hide eggs
  • - hide the baskets full of goodies so the kiddies can't find them
  • - pick out good clothes to wear to church for Easter Sunday
  • - make your own treasure hunt to find the baskets in the morning
  • - Find a large bunny suit and a guinea pig to wear it (ha ha).

On the Easter Day

  • - don't let them eat to much candy, or you won't get any sleep this night
  • - have kids make skits to preform
  • - visit some of the links I have provided
  • - color eggs
  • -the hunt is the highlight of the day, and don't be surprised if it goes on all day.



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