Another New Year

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New Year Poems

( 4 Votes )

Another New Year

by  Phyllis C. Michael

Another new year--what shall I make of it?

God gave it to me as a loan

Shall I search for earth's cheer with

Its pretense and take it--

Not bread for my soul but a stone?

Another new year--what shall I gather,

Earth's tinsel, her glitter to show/

Another new year--what would I rather,

A flash or a deep inner glow?

A year full of getting or a year full of giving

The best that I have to give?

A year full of fretting or a year full of living

The way that God wants me to live?

Another new year--what shall I make of it?

God gave me the right to choose.

Another new year--God helping, I'll take it

And give it to him to use.


avatar Marden
Cool! That's a clever way of lokiong at it!
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