Poems about Feelings

True feelings are very hard to tell and at times it becomes very difficult to admit the feelings of your heart, these poems about feelings also describe such situations when you are having troubles expressing your sadness and true self

Featured Feeling  Poems

Only When I'm Alone

by Stephen Doyle

Only when I’m alone can my true thoughts come to light,
When I’m alone I can think to myself without question.

"My life, My Problems" That’s what I say.
It's not true.

I want to share my feelings, to allow another gaze inside my mind.
But there’s nobody like that.
Nobody I care about enough to even tell them exactly what I’m thinking

There is only one I think about telling
Only one I could tell.
It may not be you, I don’t know

Soon I’ll decide.
But only when I’m alone

Thirsting to Feel

by Dee Warnock


Here I sit
alone in the dark
where to make the mark

I feel the urge
it's getting strong
I know I can do it
it won't be long

This time
it is the first
I need to do this
I have to quench my eternal thirst

Position the knife
I am ready
close my eyes
hold my hand firm and steady

As I drag the knife
I begin to cry
not from pain
but from the sensation of feeling alive

I know this is not right
I know this is a sick way to deal
but since I can't on the inside
I cut myself on the outside to feel

Same Old Feeling

by Sylvia

Slight twitching, sorry. I seem to have no glory.
It is some kind of an obsession, PLEASE STOP BUYING!
I am not a goddamned concession.
Confusion and bad dreams, nothing is as it seems.
Bury my face in the sun, there is no place I can run.
Some world this is! Nothing to hold on to anymore, I long so dearly for a unique kiss.
I might as well be dead, because it is this simple life I dread.

read more poems on hurt feelings below

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# Title Author
1 What Can I Do? Brian Melfie
2 Music is my lover! Malinda Smith
3 Eternal Ache jayhawkmilitarygirl
4 Love Lost Inspirational Poems
5 If You Were The Last Woman Scott Forster
6 Only in my Dreams Snow White
7 The empty girl Faye
8 Let Go of The Past Taylor
9 Looking Back Dewitt Ford
10 never ending death Skye
11 Heet Pandya
12 The Greatest Gift Patrick James Hipelius
13 I am feeling less Jackie
14 Hidden Feelings Jackie
15 The Feeling of Desperation Resty Malazo Rivera
16 Not the Best Feeling Jeff Moss
17 My Feelings Meish Goldish