Rose Poems - Poems about Roses

Poems about Rose. the flower which has many meanings


by Jacqueline Manq


One single, white rose Among so many red
Individual, genuine beauty, an outcast.
Could it be purer than the rest?

Its ivory surface looks strange
Among the crimson-stained flowers
Its crisp clean smell enchants.

By any other name--we know
It would smell as sweet
But by any other color, it would not be so alluring.

Not stained with the savageness of love
Not apologetic, troubled, withered yellow.

But white--chaste, pure untouched ivory
Its petals will not wither, will not fall
An outcast among SO MANY red
an outcast among all the rest
It will outlive them all.

The rose Poem...

The rose knows not where to go,
or what to see.
Scared of change,
but changes rapidly.
It knows not what to love,
so loves everyone.
Blooms with life,
and grows great beauty.
Cheers this world,
tries to make life peaceful.
But the cruel world repels,
the rose soon dies.
Dies with nothing changed,
hoping it could have done more.
But what can a rose do to make life better?

Evelin Cardenas


What if you can’t smell  Or see?

A rose is then  Mostly noticed by its Thorns

James Dexter

Display # 
# Title Author
1 My Rose Hannah
2 Beautiful Rose Webster A. Doan
3 Violet roses M. Fortney
4 A Rose Within Unknown
5 The Beauty of Rose M. Fortney