Short Christmas Poems

Thinking of You At Christmas

Christmas is that time of year

When we keep in touch

With those friends and family

We love and care so much for

It is a time when I am especially reminded

Of your beautiful spirit of friendship

Kindness and caring

Wishing you a joyous Christmas

And festive season

Remembering You at Christmas Time

It's nice to remember those we care about

When Christmas time is here

With all the blessings and gentle grace

Of that Holy night in Bethlehem long ago

May the Lord fill your heart

I pray these blessings may fill your life

And deepen each day in the coming year

With every good wish and greetings

for a very Happy and Holy Christmas 

Christmas Wishes

Christmas is that time of year

When we keep in touch with the special people

That we meet along life's journey

It is also a time to be thankful

For the many blessings in our life

For the presence of family and friends

And others who have touched us in a special way


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